Intuitive & holistic support honouring the myriad of ways we express & heal together.

Holistic Counselling,
Energy Healing & Personalised Meditation Tools

Guided healing through conscious compassionate witness, self-love practice, calmness & integration.

My Mission

I have come to realise that my mission is multi-layered, at it’s core it is about creating a world where we can show up authentically as ourselves in a way they feels safe and peaceful to do so. I do this by guiding and empowering you to explore your inner world - to free you from the binds of the past, to truly create a future you desire - with less stress and overwhelm.

You may feel this is impossible, but I am here to tell you that it IS possible. I am a statement to that potential and I want to support you in achieving a calmer state of being as well.

“How can you LOVE yourself back to health?”

— Sarah Yeoman

A life-long proponent of healing and wellness modalities, Sarah’s rooted in a holistic approach - supporting all aspects of healing. Calming the mind & body, while freeing the soul to express more of itself in our daily lives.

My most potent service is offered through
Holistic Counselling & working with you directly to develop customized techniques specifically designed for your individual needs & goals.

Ready to take the next step in your healing journey?

A Medicine Woman's Prayer

I will not rescue you,
For you are not powerless.
I will not fix you,
For you are not broken.
I will not heal you,
For I see you in your wholeness.
I will walk with you through the darkness as you remember your light.

- Sheree Bliss Tilsley